Crush Fear To Get Clear On Your Ideal Career
Online Workshop hosted by Caliph Assagai

Time & Location
Jan 24, 2023, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Online Workshop | Zoom
About the Event
Crush Fear To Get Clear On Your Ideal Career - Hosted by Caliph Assagai
Have you thought about a career change for years but been unable to make a move? Are you frustrated with your career but unsure what to do next? Do you have a big idea you've been sitting on but can't find the motivation to act on it?
If any of these sound like you, fear may be the big thing holding you back. Fear is the number one thing that keeps people from doing what they really want to do. It also keeps people from figuring out what they want to do because they are scared of all the changes that will come with setting a big goal! Don't let fear stop you this year.
Join YPNSD for our first workshop of the year: Crush Fear To Get Clear On Your Ideal Career. In this workshop, YPNSD Premier Member and Un-Career Coach, Caliph Assagai, will guide you through an in-depth process to identify, confront, and overcome the fear that's been holding you back.
You'll leave this workshop with the confidence you need to act despite the fear and start pursuing your ideal career! In this interactive workshop, you'll learn how to:
- identify the exact fears that are holding you back
- determine the sources of those fears in your belief system and experiences
- develop a deep understanding of what those fears have cost you
- discredit those fears and remove their power over you
- create a "fearless self" avatar
By the end of this workshop, you'll be ready to take massive action where you've continually stalled in the past. Plus, you'll receive a workbook to dig deeper for even more clarity and courage.
The event will be held on Tuesday, January 24th, at 6:00 pm, via Zoom. Register your spot today!

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